Submit your film for FREE! and earn rewards by participating on Shortverse.

It’s easy,

1. Make an account on

  1. Watch films (preferably new releases)
  2. Leave a ⭐️ rating & 💬 comment

Once you reach 30 films, send us a message to redeem your waiver!

🎟️ Waivers

30 films : 1 Free Submission to Short of the Week ($45 value)

40 films : 1 Free Submission to Short of the Week + Judge’s Scores ($55 value)

☑️ Guidelines

  1. You must watch enough of a film such that you can provide a well-founded comment on it (usually at least 75%). Films that are not watched in full will be disqualified.
  2. You must offer useful, specific feedback in your comment. Comments that are too short or generic will be disqualified. For example, “very nice” does not qualify. See examples of a qualifying comment below for reference.




<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Shortverse is a platform of 100,000+ filmmakers, festivals, industry professionals, and fans of short film. Join Shortverse →
