Choose Add a Film at the top of the page or open My Films and choose Add a Film.
<aside> 🛠️ Pro Tip: Make your film page early! Don't wait until your film is released or even completed. You can start a page on Shortverse to begin gathering followers who you can notify once your film premieres.
Add the link to your hosted video. We recommend using either Vimeo or YouTube. This link should be the page url and not the embed code (example: Note that custom share links (…/user/myfilm) are not embeddable and will not work.
<aside> ⚙ Video Embed Settings For your film to play on Shortverse, please use the following settings:
Vimeo: Link: Password, Hide From Video, or Public Embed: Anywhere
Youtube: Visibility: Public or Unlisted Embed: Allow embedding
Film is viewable by everyone.
Film cannot be viewed by others. To share the film privately, copy and share the Share Link (see below).
Film is hidden from Shortverse. To share the film privately, copy and share the Share Link (see below).
Add additional details to make your short film more discoverable.